About a week ago my beautiful cousin Jessica got married to a wonderful guy Brad!! It was such an eventful weekend. I got in to Huron about 4:00p.m on Thursday. We went to get pedicures done!!! It was fun and interesting. I sat next to my cousin Sarah and it was so funny. Let me describe it to you:
There was 5 of us and 5 big chairs. These chairs were massaging chairs. Sounds great right...NO!! It started out like a jack hammer on your back and then SURPRISE something was pushing on your BUTT!!! It was so awkward. My cousin Sarah and I pretty much laughed the whole time. The lady that I had was nice, sweet very talkative. The lady that Sarah had was not very talkative and kept hitting my cousin on the foot when she wanted the other one. It was very funny :) I guess you had to be there.
When we got home everyone was working on last minute things. Which was programs and favors. Here are some pictures of the hard workers
Sarah and Jess putting the favors together

Brad cutting the programs

Baby Jacob was to tired to do anything

The Favors all done!!!

Friday In the morning we ran some errands and then headed out to the reception hall because that's where the rehersal dinner was going to be held at. After we were done running around it was time to get ready for the rehersal. I got the privalage to share a room with my Grandma at a fancy little Bed & Breakfast. This place was absolutly adorable. I enjoyed it very much. We pretty much had the run of the whole place. The people where very hospitable. Which I think you have to be running a place like that. The best part though it was right across the street from the church. We headed over to the church around 6 and did a few runs on where we were all going to stand and blah blah blah. Afterwards we hopped in the cars and headed out to the rehersal dinner. This hall is absolutley beautiful. (If you are ever in Vermillion go visit there community center. ABSOLUTLEY breath taking!
Saturday: Was a crazy day. Everyone was running around. The weather man said it was suppose to rain all day. (It sprinkled in the morning and that was it Also I think that was Grandpa Welch and Grandma Doris making sure Jessi had a perfect day. Which she did) The day went by so fast,though.I was so amazed. I had a wonderful time though. Dancing, hanging out with family and making new friends.
Here is a picture of some of the girl cousins.

Everything turned out beautiful. You would of thought it came out of a fairy tail. Well after all my rambling on about this day, so here is a picture of the beautiful couple