When I blog I want people to feel as if they were sitting with me on the couch all bundled up drinking a peppermint mocha or hot chocolate with marshmallows. I don’t do it, for something that is going to be published. It’s just my thoughts feeling typed out so later on in life I can go back and read what I was going through or feeling.
This past week has been hard for me. It started out with my heart being broken.
*NOTE: This section will be said at a different time. I'm still going through some things that are pretty fresh and I don't want to add salt to my wound
I was really upset but I have a great support system and my friends were there for me. Sunday, came and I was full of mixed emotions. Not a very good day but I got through it and at the end of the day I knew I was going to be alright. With the hugs from some pretty amazing people who I love so dearly J Monday morning during my prayer time with God I said to myself..”This week will be better.” I did not know that within 3hrs all that was going to change. I did my usual routine at work. The phones were starting to calm down and I was just starting to gather information from the busy morning. My cell phone rang and I picked it up not knowing that phone was going to be so devastating. When I was off the phone I went out in the hall with tears streaming down my face. See, with girls, especially me, once I start crying it’s very hard for me to stop. It’s even harder when my heart is literally ripped out of my chest. That phone call was a call that I will never forget. The phone call that a friend has passed away.
Erica was an AMAZING Christian, wife, daughter, friend and co-worker. I had the privilege of meeting Erica when I first worked at The GP. We were in the same room M-F for more than 12 hrs. She always made me laugh. We would have dance parties with the infants, start food fights with the other rooms, and just be jokesters! I loved it. That greatest thing though with Erica is we shared the same birthday and the same middle name. We would dress up in the kids dress up clothes, have photo shoots and play pranks on the office staff. It was never a boring or dull day at work. When I started working at The GP I was pretty new in my faith. Actually, I still partied until about 4 months of working there when I came to re-dedicate my life to Christ. Erica had a big part in my walk. If I had questions she was quick to help me with anything and she would fill my head with so much knowledge. She really loved like Jesus did! She introduced me to Jordan. (Not romantically, like here is my friend Jordan you should date.) No, it was this is my friend Jordan..and this is my friend Chris. Needless, to say the 4 of us were good friends. Chris, Erica and I would be stuck some nights closing down the building. This is when we would play Switchfoot or All American Rejects so loud and dance around the building or play a prank and trash the office with the chicken. (You know the kind that plays the chicken dance song.) It was an ongoing joke/battle with the office. We would go and see movies, do dinner and just hang out. Through this Erica and I ended up hanging out on the weekends going to bonfires, bible study and Wednesday nights. It was just AWESOME!! I remembered feeling so love whenever I was with her. She encouraged me to chase my dreams and that the waiting is so going to be worth it! One night Erica, Jordy and I went to our friend Nancy’s house for a bonfire, which was great because the night sky was crystal clear. (Another love that Erica and I had was looking at the stars. We both just loved it!!) As the night grew longer people started going different ways having their own conversations. After awhile I realized that it was just E and I sitting there talking about God which then led to the topic of guys. She was always encourager saying that the right guy IS out there for me. To never give up and always keep my focus on God. He will bring the right guy to me on HIS timing not MINE!! She always emphasized on that part. We chuckled and she would talk about how EXCITED she was to be some special guy’s wife. We talked, laughed even cried a little (that’s for a different time) we ended up praying and after we were done we both looked up as we continued to talk and across the sky went a shooting star. Both of us freaked out and got all giddy like little school girls. I still remember her with the biggest smile ever saying “See Meg that was God just giving us a wink saying everything is going to be fine!” (I still get teary thinking about that night) It was so special to me and I know that God placed Erica in my life for a reason. I love ya E! As the years went by we didn’t see each other as much as we wanted to. We did Facebook a lot and talked about the amazing things that God was doing in our lives. I remember the day that God brought her Mark. (Let me rephrase that after her and Mark started dating. Not the exact day) we were Facebook chatting and she proceeded to tell me about this WONDERFUL guy she met. I was so excited that God finally brought her, her Prince charming. She was so happy and I could just tell that she was happy. Mark and her ended up getting married and have a beautiful daughter Peyton. Now, she is in heaven rejoicing and dancing with Jesus. I can see her just busting a move!!
Here is a little e-mail that I found from AricaGeezle (Xanga was the bomb) Enjoy!! This brought a smile to my face when I read it...Love it!!
Here is a little e-mail that I found from AricaGeezle (Xanga was the bomb) Enjoy!! This brought a smile to my face when I read it...Love it!!
First day "in the office" was today!!
Our first assignment: Put together our desk. Very interesting, but we mastered it without directions. (sorda) That's right, we rock.
There's a lot of stuff that we get to do. I can just tell that this is going to be awesome, we have a lot of responsibility now too.. we even get to speak on a Wednesday night! Scary, I know..and get this, I gotta wear a skirt every Sunday. He's really pushin it...
but it's part of the combo. *sigh*

Anyway, the point of this post.. I just wanted to tell you guys to make sure God is first in everything that you do. Today I realized there's a lot I need to give up and let God take control, and there's a lot that I should have consulted God on before I took control. There are going to be some changes that I'm not happy about, but I know it'll work out. Just pray for me.. and Brett too. We are going to need it!!
Love you guys!!
Thank you! Thank you for showing me how to be a Christian and loving others as Jesus did. I will never forget our memories. This past week they have flooded my mind like crazy. I have of course written them down so one day I can share them with beautiful Peyton. To let her know how wonderful her mother was and how she loved everything. Maybe I’ll even share some of our secrets J I will think of you every time that I hear Switchfoot, Relient K, All American Rejects, Family Force 5 (Christmas), Hillsong and Jason Upton. When I hear someone talk about Max Lucado I will think of you and how you loved the book. Come Thirsty and would talk to me about it and how I should read it. Which now I am going to read. Long drives down 64 or any old country back road. When I look up at the sky at night and see a bright shining star I will think of you, or see a shooting star I will think of you. I can still hear your laugh when we watched the Polar Express and you Chris and I were the only ones in the whole theater and the guy disappeared and out of know were “He’s disappearing like it’s his job or something.” The nights we closed and would put the chicken in the office and crack up bc we would picture what their faces would look like. How Cameron was Miss Erica’s favorite and he was going to marry you. When I told you was going to get baptized and no-one from my family was going to come to support me but you, Aaron, Chris and Jordan did!! Getting a nice big hug from you for no apparent reason, because you knew that’s what I needed. Thanks for lending a shoulder/pillow to cry on when I got my heart broken. Giving me words of encouragement. I have so many memories with you. I will never forget. You were an Angel and will always hold a special place in my heart. I love you so much and it saddens me that I you are gone, but I know you are in a better place. I wish I would have stayed in better contact with you but I know that we will see each other again.
On my wedding day, whenever that may be, I will think of you and know that you are up in heaven smiling J Thank you for loving me for me and being there for me. You taught me so much about life and Jesus!!
Love always,
Meg2crazy J
Meg2crazy J
*Pictures to come at a later date.
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