Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Who's Birthday is it??  This GUY'S!!

Hello All,

Even though it is Valentine's day it is also Mr Nathan's birthday!! He turns the big 2-3!! Such a youngin..I decided to dedicate this blog to him since its his birthday and all. So here goes...

Dear Nathan or NDK,

It is your BIRTHDAY!! 23 years ago you entered this world and the world hasn't been the same since. I have only known known you for a few months. Our friendship started this past summer and my life hasn't been the same since. You are such a joy in my life and I am so blessed and glad to have you in my life. Even though there has been some moments when I wanted to punch you in the face!! LOL jk. I still consider you one of my best friends. I know that I make you very angry or frustrated some days, but I know that no matter what I can always count on you for anything! I can not tell you how much I appreciate you and our friendship. We are going to be friends for a long time I can tell :) Enjoy this little blog that I put together for you. I hope you enjoy it!!

23 Reasons
Nathan David Keil
Is My Best Friend
For your birthday I am making a list of 23 Reasons I consider you to be one of my BEST friends! Even though there are more than 23 reasons and hope you know that.
1.       Your heart for God-Always encouraging me.
2.       Your love for OSU football!!
3.       You make me Smile J- Even though there are some days that are better than others.
4.       Trust-I can trust you with anything and know that my secrets are safe with you.
5.       Introduced me to a whole spool of new music that I have never heard of and I LOVE it! One of these days you will grow to love RWB!
6.       Not only music but my movie collection has grown, too.
7.       I enjoy the Spontaneous things that we do-Random road trips.
8.       Even though you hate to hug, you give some of the best!! I think it’s because you learned from the best (ME!!)
9.       When a good song comes on the radio you’re not afraid to sing at the top of your lungs.
10.   You introduced me to the WONDERFUL world of Starbucks (Peppermint Mocha)
11.   We have so many inside jokes.
12.   Your love for reading. Even though you make fun of me for being a “slow” reader-which I am not and you’re a little ridiculous about your books.
13.   Doesn’t complain THAT much when taking a picture.
14.   Seen me cry more than a handful of times and is still comforting and doesn’t make fun of me until AFTER the fact.
15.   You are the only one who knows my special place I like to go and think.
16.   You trusted me to cut your hair-not a full out haircut but you trusted me with clippers to fix your rat tail…hahahaha
17.   We have a lot of things in common.
18.   You’re the BIGGEST Harry Potter fan I know and you’re not afraid to admit it or show it.
19.   I learn something new about you all the time.
20.   I can talk to you for HOURS about anything and everything and not get bored!!
21.    Crazy psycho obsession with your things-I know that I kind of abuse it when I say that I want to “ borrow” something and I have it for a few months.
22.    Your competiveness-even when I suck you still suck it up and play, I know that you don’t like it but I appreciate that you’re still a team sport.
23.   Most of all you accept me for me J

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN DAVID!!! I hope that you have an AMAZING, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC DAY!! I look forward to many more birthday celebrations!! 

*Hope you enjoyed this little blog. It's not much but at least it's something.

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