I have had this question come up in conversation recently. I don't know if it's because of the deaths that have recently happened, the "end of the world" or just conversation. Everyone usually gives the normal/traditional responses on spending time with family and doing everything they ever wanted to do. When I think about it more as I am sitting here in my comfy flannel pajamas, sipping on some delicious Hot Chocolate I wonder if it really came down to it, What would I really do?? I don't think I can honestly answer this question. I can try my best but until I your put into that situation you won't know. This is hard for me because there are so many books I want to read and movies I want to see. I don't really want to spend my days doing those kind of things. I know...I know books and movies are great but I personally don't want to be spending my last days doing that. Let's see these are some of the top things I would want to do.
1.Spend time with my family. Every year the week of Thanksgiving my family (Dad's side) goes to Mohican State Park and we stay in these cute little cabins. Some of us stay a whole week, some stay half. Anyways, I would want to do something like that with my family. Well, it would be between Mohican and Mohican South which is (North Carolina)
2. Going to the beach. I would want to drive but if I had that short amount of time I would fly. 2hrs instead of 8hrs. I could kill two birds with one stone and have my whole family go with me and we can stay in one of those ginormous houses on the beach. All of us living in the same area. While I was on the beach I would stay up all hours of the night and watch the stars and sunrise on the ocean. Taking in the sights of the beautiful orange, pinks and purples shining across the sky or the pure darkness of the sky at night with little white dots all across the sky. With a few shooting stars :)
3.Write letters to important people in my life. Which is a lot. I did this once and it took me forever. I actually found some of the letters half written as I was packing up some stuff. Send each person I know a letter and the important role they had played in my life. I would send pictures if I had any with them so they would always have a memory with them or give them something of mine.
4.Tell the guy that I have been smitten by that I like him. Why do people always wait to the last minute to tell someone that they care about how they feel. I know it has to do something with rejection but I would say something like this...."Don't say anything just let me speak..."and then I would go on about how I like them and all that fun stuff. Just so they would know how I feel about them. Which I think he does know how I feel about him. Just doesn't know what say or do without hurting my feelings.
5. Go to Africa or Haiti to a orphanage and do some mission work. I have always felt a calling to do something like this. I love doing mission trips, even though I haven't done one out of state, the in state ones have been so moving to me I can only imagine what it be like to do an overseas one. I would be doing this right now but the problem is, I'm broke as a joke. One day though I know I will fulfill this. I can't wait for that to happen.
There you have it. My Top 5 things that I would do if I only had 3 weeks to live. The more I think about it I am going or will do these in the near future. Letters to my friends and family/Mission trip/Week vacation to the beach/and spending time with my family. The only one that I am not ready to indulge in is tell the guy that I am recently crushing on. Just because it's so new and everything is going great. Plus, I would prefer to be pursued by a guy. I guess it's because I have been rejected some many times. My heart can only take so much breaking and I am an old fashioned girl. To many times in my past have I tried to make guys like me. That doesn't work out to well. The big guy upstairs knows who the right person is for me. I'm patiently waiting for him.
Well, I hoped you enjoyed this little blog. It's not much but I don't know really if anyone reads this. I personally like to just write (type) out things out that have been swirling on in my brain. I have way to much going on up there so getting a little out there is good. I guess.
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