*Crazy Life of Meggie Meg*
This is a blog about a young girls crazy life!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
What's so wrong with being a Cliche?
Cliche's....I have been recently informed that I am one big cliché. I was a little bit offended by it but then I was alright with it. The more I thought about it God reminded me that it's ok to be a cliché. He made each and everyone of his children different. If we were all the same then life would be really boring!! Anyways, I was really thinking about it....I love that I'm a cliché!!! I love to show people that they are loved and cared for even if it's the cheesiest thing.
Growing up I was (still am I guess) the little girl who loved to love. I dreamed of my wedding day since I was 5. I think I married everyone of my stuffed animals :) When my brother was little my mom said that I would hold him and squeeze him so much. My mom would say that I would squeeze him so hard some times that he would wiggle to try and get out of my grasp. I would reply "I just love him so much!" Which of course I did and still do.
Little Elmyra from Tiny Toons is who best described me when I was little. Not only the love for animals but the love for people.
Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a person who loves. I greet with a hug and I say good-bye with a hug. I tell everyone that I know that I love them and I care about them. I send cheesy letters, text messages, and gifts. I explain how I'm feeling like I am writing for Hallmark. So I've been told...I am who I am and I love that I have a heart that all it wants to do is love. There is no shame in that, right?? Right!
The reason why I am writing this is because I don't care if I am a cliché. One day someone is going to love me for my big heart and all the cliché's that I love to say and do. God made me this way and I love that about me and that my future husband, whoever he may be, will love them and enjoy them as much as I do.
What can I say.....I have a lot of love to give!!!
*Side Note: This is not an entry about how I hate being a cliché. It's an entry about embracing it!!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
2nd Week
Welcome Back Everyone!!! Second week of training was successful. We SURVIVED!! The other house momma's and I have been getting use to a routine, getting to know our way around, exploring possible fun/educational activities for the girls to do, making a list checking it twice for supplies we need around the house and of course spending time together and growing closer to each other and to God. It is so neat, cool and Godronic (made up house word) how God has brought each of us together. We each bring a little something to the table...It's just amazing!!!
This past week we started out with a video that was put together by Bethel "Loving Our Kids on Purpose." Such an eye opening series. When our supervisor told us that we would be watching this I was like...."Why?? I don't have any kids. Great another lame video to watch." but I was wrong. It was awesome. I learned so much from it!! I highly recommend it to anyone who is connect with children of any age (teachers, counselor, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent etc...) The video teaches you how to love your children (Love language) and let them make the responsible decision. Honestly, I wish my parents would of watched it. (I'm not stating that my parents are horrible and did a crappy job raising my brother and I because they did a WONDERFUL job.) If you can rent it from some where or if you would like to see a copy I would love to give you one. If it was a scoring on Rotten Tomatoes I would give it a 98% (They never give 100%) Here is the link: Loving Our Kids on Purpose
Later in the week we had our CPR & First Aid Training. That is a tough class. Not tough as in I'm scared I'm not going to pass it but tough as in I don't think I'm going to be able to stay awake. A dark room and a movie going...I'm out in 5 minutes. I didn't do that though in this class. It was very educational but EXTREMELY long!!! First Aid part was boring because it was just knowledge of what to do. Very informative but not my cup of tea. I'm a hands on girl.I like to get in there and learn by doing. That was CPR. We had our little dummies and the whole time we were in the class I just kept thinking of The Office Episode where they had that training. Please, enjoy this hilarious clip that was running through my head the whole time. Needless to say I laughed a lot. Our instructor had seen the show so he would play along too.
This past week we started out with a video that was put together by Bethel "Loving Our Kids on Purpose." Such an eye opening series. When our supervisor told us that we would be watching this I was like...."Why?? I don't have any kids. Great another lame video to watch." but I was wrong. It was awesome. I learned so much from it!! I highly recommend it to anyone who is connect with children of any age (teachers, counselor, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent etc...) The video teaches you how to love your children (Love language) and let them make the responsible decision. Honestly, I wish my parents would of watched it. (I'm not stating that my parents are horrible and did a crappy job raising my brother and I because they did a WONDERFUL job.) If you can rent it from some where or if you would like to see a copy I would love to give you one. If it was a scoring on Rotten Tomatoes I would give it a 98% (They never give 100%) Here is the link: Loving Our Kids on Purpose
Later in the week we had our CPR & First Aid Training. That is a tough class. Not tough as in I'm scared I'm not going to pass it but tough as in I don't think I'm going to be able to stay awake. A dark room and a movie going...I'm out in 5 minutes. I didn't do that though in this class. It was very educational but EXTREMELY long!!! First Aid part was boring because it was just knowledge of what to do. Very informative but not my cup of tea. I'm a hands on girl.I like to get in there and learn by doing. That was CPR. We had our little dummies and the whole time we were in the class I just kept thinking of The Office Episode where they had that training. Please, enjoy this hilarious clip that was running through my head the whole time. Needless to say I laughed a lot. Our instructor had seen the show so he would play along too.
Friday, evening Channel 13 came to the house to talk to the big man on campus our wonderful director Jeff. It is such a joy to tell and teach people about what we do and about Modern Day Slavery. People it is happening right in your backyard. That's another blog and another time to discuss.
Saturday, we went and checked out the local community pool and that was so much fun. Note to self wear sunscreen. We got a little toasty. My arms feel like the sheets our made of cacti. It's painful.
Went home Saturday afternoon and visited with my mom (which was a good visit) and then went across the street and celebrated my neighbors birthday. Reminisced about the old days and told fun stories and just had a blast.
Sunday, didn't do much but go to my cousins house and love on my little guy. Who now talks and smiles at me. He is such a precious baby boy. Met up with my parents for some ice-cream. Can't complain about free ice-cream. :)
We have the rest of this week for training so that means by next Monday we can have a girl living in the house. Talk about craziness!!! We are getting really excited though....On that note....Please pray for us House Moms and for the organization, for the girls that will be living n the house, the new house mom's and for the up coming year. It's going to be an emotional, physically and mentally draining but God will be right next to us wrapping his loving arms around us. Thank you for all your support and prayers!!
Friday, May 23, 2014
The Journey Start's Here
Hello Everyone!!!
After 3 interviews, packing an unpacking I have finally made it to my destination.
I have teamed up with two other wonderful ladies and I have taken a job mentoring teenage girls (10-17yr olds) We call ourselves House Moms. This is a going to be a great experience, even when the road will seem bumpy at times I know that this is where I am suppose to be. It's such a great feeling knowing that this is the path that God choose for you. Who knows I might still be working at my old job day dreaming and thinking where I was suppose to be and then never listening when God was clearly pointing out all the signs.
In my morning devotion I came across two passages that really stuck out to me and are perfect for what I am going through. We at the house call that Godronic.
#1. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Now in this passage it speaks volumes to me. Especially with what is to come in the next year. In this passage Jesus is telling the disciples to take courage. In spite of the inevitable struggles that we would face, we wiykd not be alone. Jesus does not aboandon us to our struggles. We can remember that the ultimate victory has already been won, we can claim the peace of Christ in the most troublesome times. I know that I am going to hold on to theses words. There are going to be days when I feel like God has totally abandoned me but I will have Faith.
#2. Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
This piece of scripture is what I used before I joined this team. I used this mostly praying that Gods timing is perfect (future husband) and that he knows what is right for me. When your in your 30s all your friends are getting married and having babies you get really discouraged about your life. Knowing that Gods plans are going to far out way your own though, that's a pretty sweet feeling. Now with this scripture waiting on God is not easy. Often it seems that he is;t answering our prayer or doesn't understand the URGENCY of our situation. That kind of thinkning implies that God is not in contorl or is not fair. But God is worth waiting for. In Lamentations 3:24-26 calls us to hope in and wait for the Lord because often God uses waiting to refresh, renew, and teach us. I've been trying to make good use of my times of waiting by discovering what od may be trying to teach me. In this next year I am going to learn a LOT.
Now, that I shared a little about the scriptures that have been near and dear to my heart let me share with you the journey so far.
This week we have met with so many different orginizations to help us train for what is to come. They have been some long hours but enjoyable. We wake up at 7:30 due our normal routine (get ready, morning devotion, breakfast) Just depends on what we have to do that day. Then we finish with the overview around 10:30pm. We are still all excited about what we are doing we talk and then watch a show called Half the Sky. It is a very powerful series we only watch about half hour of the show because by the time we get the movie started and ready it is 11:30pm-midnight and we are getting in bed by 1 and then the up at it again in the morning. Days are long and very tiring but it'll be all worth it. I've talked to a few people and sometimes I think that they picture my job as sitting watching TV all day. Yaaaaaayyyy that's not the case at all. It is 110% of your mind, body and soul. Other than that we have been extermly busy that our time on the computer is a last priority. I have been journaling everyday though so I can have my memories. Thanks for stopping by.....See ya soon in a few days.
*I can't go into a lot of detail on here for the privacy of the other house moms and girls*
After 3 interviews, packing an unpacking I have finally made it to my destination.
I have teamed up with two other wonderful ladies and I have taken a job mentoring teenage girls (10-17yr olds) We call ourselves House Moms. This is a going to be a great experience, even when the road will seem bumpy at times I know that this is where I am suppose to be. It's such a great feeling knowing that this is the path that God choose for you. Who knows I might still be working at my old job day dreaming and thinking where I was suppose to be and then never listening when God was clearly pointing out all the signs.
In my morning devotion I came across two passages that really stuck out to me and are perfect for what I am going through. We at the house call that Godronic.
#1. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Now in this passage it speaks volumes to me. Especially with what is to come in the next year. In this passage Jesus is telling the disciples to take courage. In spite of the inevitable struggles that we would face, we wiykd not be alone. Jesus does not aboandon us to our struggles. We can remember that the ultimate victory has already been won, we can claim the peace of Christ in the most troublesome times. I know that I am going to hold on to theses words. There are going to be days when I feel like God has totally abandoned me but I will have Faith.
#2. Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
This piece of scripture is what I used before I joined this team. I used this mostly praying that Gods timing is perfect (future husband) and that he knows what is right for me. When your in your 30s all your friends are getting married and having babies you get really discouraged about your life. Knowing that Gods plans are going to far out way your own though, that's a pretty sweet feeling. Now with this scripture waiting on God is not easy. Often it seems that he is;t answering our prayer or doesn't understand the URGENCY of our situation. That kind of thinkning implies that God is not in contorl or is not fair. But God is worth waiting for. In Lamentations 3:24-26 calls us to hope in and wait for the Lord because often God uses waiting to refresh, renew, and teach us. I've been trying to make good use of my times of waiting by discovering what od may be trying to teach me. In this next year I am going to learn a LOT.
Now, that I shared a little about the scriptures that have been near and dear to my heart let me share with you the journey so far.
This week we have met with so many different orginizations to help us train for what is to come. They have been some long hours but enjoyable. We wake up at 7:30 due our normal routine (get ready, morning devotion, breakfast) Just depends on what we have to do that day. Then we finish with the overview around 10:30pm. We are still all excited about what we are doing we talk and then watch a show called Half the Sky. It is a very powerful series we only watch about half hour of the show because by the time we get the movie started and ready it is 11:30pm-midnight and we are getting in bed by 1 and then the up at it again in the morning. Days are long and very tiring but it'll be all worth it. I've talked to a few people and sometimes I think that they picture my job as sitting watching TV all day. Yaaaaaayyyy that's not the case at all. It is 110% of your mind, body and soul. Other than that we have been extermly busy that our time on the computer is a last priority. I have been journaling everyday though so I can have my memories. Thanks for stopping by.....See ya soon in a few days.
*I can't go into a lot of detail on here for the privacy of the other house moms and girls*
Monday, April 28, 2014
Oh, the Places You Will Go!!

This little motto from one of my FAVORITE books when I was younger is very fitting right now in my life!! God is moving in my life and the journey that I am about to embark on I could not be more excited. It is going to be challenging and not easy but it's where God wants me and I couldn't be more happier. Granted I have a million and one different emotions flowing through my veins. I can't really disclose on everything but tonight is the night I will find out if I will continue with it or if God has something else in mind for me. Either way I am so excited and I know that whatever it is, It'll be amazing. It's so ENERGIZING, REWARDING and EXCITING to watch and see what God has in store for me. This next chapter is going to really be something......

Friday, March 1, 2013
Most of you that just read that top head line are thinking that I am talking about my Prince...Well, I *think* I have found my Prince but that is for another blog. I have found Jesus..I know, I know..Some of you I can see the confused look on your face but it's not like that. I have known Jesus for 12 years now but I am talking about his Love for ME!! It's a new love...a love that I have often found myself trying to find it in other people. It's a sacrificial love. (I have been using that word a lot to describe love, lately) Here's a little story I'm going to tell you.
I attend a young adult group on Monday nights called SOMA (which means body of Christ). We meet every Monday night at 7pm. It's about 300-400 young adults (18-30) that attend this worship night. Well, the young adult pastor there, Sammy (who by the way if your not reading his blogs I highly recommend them. GOOD STUFF!!) was talking about Bachloer and Bachlorette series. It was one of my favorite sermons he has done. When I was sitting there next to my good friend Andrea, excited that we were in a new building and we were going to get Chick-Fil A that night :), I was sitting there thinking.."Oh,great!! Here we go talking about how God made someone special for us..blah blah blah. See being Single and hearing a lot and I mean A LOT of sermons on being single and Love are pretty much repetiative. I was anxious this night though because I had a feeling that Sammy's sermon might be a little bit different. Boy was I right!! His blew every other sermon out of the water. It really hit home for me. I just remember sitting there and thinking about everything that he had said. Just letting it soak in. It sure did soak in. I remember leaving and discussing with Andrea and Craig about the sermon. When I got home I just cried because it was so close to my heart. I have linked the sermons so you can hear them yourself. They are very powerful!! I wish I could just go more in depth about this discover right now but it will have to wait for another blog entry, because I am unfortunately writing this on my lunch break. I just can't contain the joy, happieness and love that I have in my heart right now!!!
To Be Continued....
I attend a young adult group on Monday nights called SOMA (which means body of Christ). We meet every Monday night at 7pm. It's about 300-400 young adults (18-30) that attend this worship night. Well, the young adult pastor there, Sammy (who by the way if your not reading his blogs I highly recommend them. GOOD STUFF!!) was talking about Bachloer and Bachlorette series. It was one of my favorite sermons he has done. When I was sitting there next to my good friend Andrea, excited that we were in a new building and we were going to get Chick-Fil A that night :), I was sitting there thinking.."Oh,great!! Here we go talking about how God made someone special for us..blah blah blah. See being Single and hearing a lot and I mean A LOT of sermons on being single and Love are pretty much repetiative. I was anxious this night though because I had a feeling that Sammy's sermon might be a little bit different. Boy was I right!! His blew every other sermon out of the water. It really hit home for me. I just remember sitting there and thinking about everything that he had said. Just letting it soak in. It sure did soak in. I remember leaving and discussing with Andrea and Craig about the sermon. When I got home I just cried because it was so close to my heart. I have linked the sermons so you can hear them yourself. They are very powerful!! I wish I could just go more in depth about this discover right now but it will have to wait for another blog entry, because I am unfortunately writing this on my lunch break. I just can't contain the joy, happieness and love that I have in my heart right now!!!
To Be Continued....
Monday, February 25, 2013
What Should I Do
Last night was a very interesting yet encouraging night. My Roommate and her fiance came home a little late. I just got done getting ready for bed and I was about to dive in to the warm sheets and just get lost in dream land. That did not happen. I heard the garage door open and them talking. I layed there a while debating if I should get up and go chit chat for a bit or just go to sleep. While I was contemplating that I felt like God was telling me to go talk to them.
Here's a bit of a back story on why I needed to go talk to them....Earlier that day I had a panic attack. It wasn't your normal one. This time I felt that I was going to meet my maker. I was having horrible chest pains and it wasn't good. I was scary and horrifying at the same time. My dad talked me down and said to just go rest for a bit and relax. I layed on the couch and did my little relaxing technique that I had done since I was little, prayed that God would just take everything that I was feeling, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, and confused away. Within 5 mins I was out like a light. I slept for a bit and got up to get ready for youth. I really needed to talk to someone though and I knew this. I felt it. It was a crazy feeling because I am going through some things that I don't want anyone to know about. Stuff about my past that creeps up on me and I get really depress or have horrible nightmares. I have been dealing with a lot. I know it's a good thing but a hard thing at the same time.
I had watched this video and it really hit home because I know that God is working on me still
I got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and just talk to them. It's very unusal because this past weekend I hardly saw them. I ususally see them a lot more. Kelsey went and took a shower and Rye and I went in the living room and talked. Talked about the good old days at Elmore, life, relationships and trials. Trials that I was facing. One in particular...Not going to go into to much depth on here though...not now at least...I have been battling with a change that I think (still praying though for some clarity) i need to do. The problem is I dont want to do this change. I love what I do where I'm at and who I'm with. I feel though that God is directing me else where and that scares the daylights out of me. I don't want to do this change because it means that I will have to start new and meet new people and just start over. Where I'm at, I'm comfortable. I don't like change and I don't want to get out of my comfort zone. When I was explaning everything to Ryan he reassured me that God does call me to step out of my comfort zone. That is so true. I think I know what I have to do and I really don't want to do it but I do want to serve God and if he's calling me some where else then I should make the move. Just going to pray about it for a little bit longer because I still need clarity. I don't want ot go based on feelings.
Stay tuned for what path I choose...
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
~Jeremiah 29:11-13
Here's a bit of a back story on why I needed to go talk to them....Earlier that day I had a panic attack. It wasn't your normal one. This time I felt that I was going to meet my maker. I was having horrible chest pains and it wasn't good. I was scary and horrifying at the same time. My dad talked me down and said to just go rest for a bit and relax. I layed on the couch and did my little relaxing technique that I had done since I was little, prayed that God would just take everything that I was feeling, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, and confused away. Within 5 mins I was out like a light. I slept for a bit and got up to get ready for youth. I really needed to talk to someone though and I knew this. I felt it. It was a crazy feeling because I am going through some things that I don't want anyone to know about. Stuff about my past that creeps up on me and I get really depress or have horrible nightmares. I have been dealing with a lot. I know it's a good thing but a hard thing at the same time.
I had watched this video and it really hit home because I know that God is working on me still
I got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and just talk to them. It's very unusal because this past weekend I hardly saw them. I ususally see them a lot more. Kelsey went and took a shower and Rye and I went in the living room and talked. Talked about the good old days at Elmore, life, relationships and trials. Trials that I was facing. One in particular...Not going to go into to much depth on here though...not now at least...I have been battling with a change that I think (still praying though for some clarity) i need to do. The problem is I dont want to do this change. I love what I do where I'm at and who I'm with. I feel though that God is directing me else where and that scares the daylights out of me. I don't want to do this change because it means that I will have to start new and meet new people and just start over. Where I'm at, I'm comfortable. I don't like change and I don't want to get out of my comfort zone. When I was explaning everything to Ryan he reassured me that God does call me to step out of my comfort zone. That is so true. I think I know what I have to do and I really don't want to do it but I do want to serve God and if he's calling me some where else then I should make the move. Just going to pray about it for a little bit longer because I still need clarity. I don't want ot go based on feelings.
Stay tuned for what path I choose...
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
~Jeremiah 29:11-13
Monday, February 11, 2013
Things I take seriously...FRIENDSHIP
This past weekend I got to get away from life for awhile. Away from my small town. A 4 1/2 hour up north to an isolated little area deep in the woods. I will go in depth with the 2nd part but I wanted to share or more less write down a little sneak peek into what was probably one of the greatest weekends in a long time.
My day started out like any other day. Got up early to get ready. Prayed about the day ahead of me. I knew it was going to be a much needed weekend! I actually need this weekend more than I thought. Anyways, I had a great weekend!!(Another Blog) Well, let's get back to the "time to think". I had some good conversations this weekend. Really bonded with a lot of the high schoolers and leaders. It was a perfect getaway weekend. Then I found out some information that really just broke my heart. Shattered it. Being traded by a friend is one of those pains in your heart you don't know how to take it. I'm still really confused about the whole situation but I am going to talk to the person about it. Not an easy conversation to have but, not an easy one to have. It will either turn out really bad or be one of the best conversations.
Friendship is a very important thing to me. People always tell me that I have a lot of friends. I think I do but there is a handful that I honestly think as friends. The one that you can call anytime of the day or night. Cares for you as a person and is there for you when your world is flipped upside down. Great listeners and great advice givers. I really do have some amazing people in my life. (Another Blog Idea) Like my family. I consider them my best friends. They are the people who will always be there for you and will never leave you hanging on to only memories. As you get older people that you think are your friends are really not. They may have been during that season of your life. That also doesn't mean that they should be apart of your life now. It's hard to explain this concept right now, because I feel like I am still trying to understand this. I enjoy everyone of my friendships but there are a few that I could do with out. It's hard because I love and care for these people but, the way that they treat me or bring me down, well, there's NO room for that in my life!! This doesnt mean that I don't love or care about them. Just don't have room for that in my life. Things need to change but, if they are not then I am going to have to ask them to leave. I kind of sound like a snob or a little crabby. Sorry. This is just how I feel. I learned so much this weekend and I really have some great people in my life that are positive people and don't bring me down or the drama.
Wait, for the blog about how the Spring hill retreat was one of the best retreats in a long time! Lots of bonding and memories were made this past weekend.
My day started out like any other day. Got up early to get ready. Prayed about the day ahead of me. I knew it was going to be a much needed weekend! I actually need this weekend more than I thought. Anyways, I had a great weekend!!(Another Blog) Well, let's get back to the "time to think". I had some good conversations this weekend. Really bonded with a lot of the high schoolers and leaders. It was a perfect getaway weekend. Then I found out some information that really just broke my heart. Shattered it. Being traded by a friend is one of those pains in your heart you don't know how to take it. I'm still really confused about the whole situation but I am going to talk to the person about it. Not an easy conversation to have but, not an easy one to have. It will either turn out really bad or be one of the best conversations.
Friendship is a very important thing to me. People always tell me that I have a lot of friends. I think I do but there is a handful that I honestly think as friends. The one that you can call anytime of the day or night. Cares for you as a person and is there for you when your world is flipped upside down. Great listeners and great advice givers. I really do have some amazing people in my life. (Another Blog Idea) Like my family. I consider them my best friends. They are the people who will always be there for you and will never leave you hanging on to only memories. As you get older people that you think are your friends are really not. They may have been during that season of your life. That also doesn't mean that they should be apart of your life now. It's hard to explain this concept right now, because I feel like I am still trying to understand this. I enjoy everyone of my friendships but there are a few that I could do with out. It's hard because I love and care for these people but, the way that they treat me or bring me down, well, there's NO room for that in my life!! This doesnt mean that I don't love or care about them. Just don't have room for that in my life. Things need to change but, if they are not then I am going to have to ask them to leave. I kind of sound like a snob or a little crabby. Sorry. This is just how I feel. I learned so much this weekend and I really have some great people in my life that are positive people and don't bring me down or the drama.
Wait, for the blog about how the Spring hill retreat was one of the best retreats in a long time! Lots of bonding and memories were made this past weekend.
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