Hey Everyone! Sorry it's been sometime since I last Blogged. I was in the mood to do it though today. Outside is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I am sitting here at my desk admiring the weather and just the AMAZING scenery outside. I'm going to take a walk later, but I just wanted to write (or should I say Type) for a bit.
This lovely entry is called "In the Life of Tamie and Tegan" Weird. I know! The reason why it's called that is because I am going to dedicate this entry to my BEST FRIEND Amelia Elouise. She has been on my heart a lot lately with certain situations that have happened. Anyways I hope you enjoy and get a chuckle out of taking a look into Amy and Mine friendship.
It started the begining of my 7th grade year. That is when I met Amy and I knew we would be best buds for years to come. Here is a look at some pictures...I have thousands upon thousands of them, but I made this picture quilt for Amy and I found one of the collages
As you can see we were very CRAZY!! Honestly, sometimes I wonder how we ever made it out of high school and early 20s alive. There have been a handful of times where we were young and stupid....(Just between you and me, I wouldn't trade those times and memories for anything. That is what made us who we are today.)
In the upper left corner (the picture with Amy and I have are tongues out): Well, that is what a lot of friendship was. Being goofy and laughing at some of the dumbest things. One night I remember in particular we were at our friend Chips house just hanging out, doing what we did usally every Saturday and Friday night. Or whenever there was a get together. For some odd reason I really can't recall the situation, but Amy and I thought it would be so funny to replace peoples names with the letter "T". That is when I became Tegan and Amy became Tamie. The best name though that we did was Chip. We kept calling him Thip and laughing so hard we almost peed our pants. That was something out of the norm for us. We would laugh so hard our stomachs would hurt and we would almost or sometimes pee our pants. Never a dull moment with us.
Top right corner: This is a picture of Amy and I looking like HOT STUFF. We went out a lot, I mean ALOT. I think for a few years straight we went out M-Sunday. Yeah, know day of rest in there. Some nights though we would just relax or be lazy and chill in Amy's room and watch T.V or go over to my cousin Sean's house and hang with him and the boys in the Garage. We were part of a group called the Garage Gang. Lame I know but we thought it was so much fun. We always had a blast, but that's the normal for us. Well, except on the ride home when the windows went up. (Sorry little inside joke there)
The up-close picture: This was taken the night our Sophmore year when I made homecoming court. I love this picture because it makes me think of so many great nights sitting under the football stadium and watching the Bulldogs kick some butt. (That was when we were good) It was fun non the less. After the games we would go to someones house and just hangout. This time of the year makes me think of those great football games.
Just the 3 of us: Ashley is another person I hung out with the most,too. We use to call us three the Golden Girls. Ashley and I would fight so often, but we still love each other. I remember one night we were going to go to Amy's house and wait for the call from someone to do something. Well I was a prankster (Imagine that) and Ashley went to reach for the car door and I would move a little so she would miss. I did this for almost two blocks. I thought at the time it was funny, Ashley didn't. When I stopped Ashley forbid to ride in the car and threatened me that she was just going to walk home. Mind you this happened on a cold night. I slowly crept by her as she walked and was yelling that she should just get into the car. Finally, I got so mad at her that I threw my car in park and got out to drag her back to my car. BAD IDEA!! I went to reach for Ashley and she turned around and decked me in the face. I was so mad at her I got all ghetto in her face yelled at her and was just mean. I then went back to my car so mad and remember looking at Amy and she was of course laughing histarically. (See you have to know Amy when she laughs at her hardest she doesn't say anything and hits her leg over and over. It is very funny) Well by the time we got to Amys house we were going over to the "Garage Gang" and so Ashley came over and we hugged and made up. That's how our relationship was, I would like to say it is different than it was. I think Lori took over for you Ash. :) This picture was one of many pictures of a party I had at my parents house. They never knew...well they ended up finding out about one, but that didn't stop.
*FYI: I highly recommend that you don't have a party when your parents aren't home or a party at all.*
The next two pictures: These are pictures taken on some Summer night where we were going out to hang out with Crazy Ricky (I wonder whatever happened to him) or hanging out with Rich.
In the bottom right corner: That was a picture of one of the last day of classes our Senior or Junior year. Amy and I only got to be in one class together and that was Art class. We would talk the whole time, leave the classroom and go get slurpees from my mom in the lunchroom, make people feel so awkward or uncomfortable in class, by going up to them and saying weird things or just staring at them. It was always a riot in that class. I think that RHS teachers new that we couldn't be in the same class because we wouldn't get things done. I just want to thank Mrs Gladieux for being such a fun teacher and letting Amy, Kelly and I be completely ridiculious in your classroom.
The bottom Left corner: This picture is with the lead singer of our favorite band that we would go and see everytime they where in town. The one and only RED WANTING BLUE!!! Everytime I hear their song it takes me back to the days we went to the Main Event, Frankies or driving all the way down to BG to Howards or we would take a road trip to visit our dear friend Stefe. We were dedicated fans let me tell you. Amy had a crush on Mark the bass guitar player and he would sing this song called "Pea" OMG that song would just make Amy's night or we would count how many times one of the band members looked at us or in our direction. I had a crush on their old drummer Jonah and Kelly had a crush on the lead singer Scott. Eventually they got to know us because we were at every concert in the front row. Crazy we went to a lot of concerts and we were always in the front row. We were the people that would shove ourselves all the way up there or we would get there SUPER early. I loved going to the concerts (I still do) I know I will always remember those late nights going to concerts and the feeling you get right when you hear the first song. GOOOSSSSEEEBUMPS. I still get like that.
Amy has been there for me through some of the difficult times of my life. She always cheered me up after a bad break-up or a boy that was just being mean. We would rollerblade all over Rossford and go and get some Blue Moon ice cream (No it is not the beer). Then came the time when Amy met Christopher. First time I met the kid I told her that I didn't like him at all. I actually told her that she shouldn't date him because he had a messed up face. Honestly, he didn't. I don't know why I just didn't like him. See you have high expectations for your friends, especially your BEST ones!!! I can argue it but I was not a big fan of Chris, that is until I really got to know him. She ended up getting married to him and I couldn't be happier for her. He is an AMAZING husband to her. I honestly couldn't picture anyone else for her but him. They are a great couple.
Here is a picture of Conkey and I from back in the day. Here is a picture of the two of them.

I was also blessed to be in their wedding. It was a fun night of celebrating two people who are madly, and deeply in love with each other. Till this day you can see the twinkle in Conkey's eye whenever he looks at Amy.

They just welcomed there baby girl into the world back in March and I couldn't be happier for her. I know that someday God is going to bless me with a family but right now I am here to spoil that little girl with love, hugs and kisses. She is such a blessing.
This lovely entry is called "In the Life of Tamie and Tegan" Weird. I know! The reason why it's called that is because I am going to dedicate this entry to my BEST FRIEND Amelia Elouise. She has been on my heart a lot lately with certain situations that have happened. Anyways I hope you enjoy and get a chuckle out of taking a look into Amy and Mine friendship.
It started the begining of my 7th grade year. That is when I met Amy and I knew we would be best buds for years to come. Here is a look at some pictures...I have thousands upon thousands of them, but I made this picture quilt for Amy and I found one of the collages
As you can see we were very CRAZY!! Honestly, sometimes I wonder how we ever made it out of high school and early 20s alive. There have been a handful of times where we were young and stupid....(Just between you and me, I wouldn't trade those times and memories for anything. That is what made us who we are today.)

In the upper left corner (the picture with Amy and I have are tongues out): Well, that is what a lot of friendship was. Being goofy and laughing at some of the dumbest things. One night I remember in particular we were at our friend Chips house just hanging out, doing what we did usally every Saturday and Friday night. Or whenever there was a get together. For some odd reason I really can't recall the situation, but Amy and I thought it would be so funny to replace peoples names with the letter "T". That is when I became Tegan and Amy became Tamie. The best name though that we did was Chip. We kept calling him Thip and laughing so hard we almost peed our pants. That was something out of the norm for us. We would laugh so hard our stomachs would hurt and we would almost or sometimes pee our pants. Never a dull moment with us.
Top right corner: This is a picture of Amy and I looking like HOT STUFF. We went out a lot, I mean ALOT. I think for a few years straight we went out M-Sunday. Yeah, know day of rest in there. Some nights though we would just relax or be lazy and chill in Amy's room and watch T.V or go over to my cousin Sean's house and hang with him and the boys in the Garage. We were part of a group called the Garage Gang. Lame I know but we thought it was so much fun. We always had a blast, but that's the normal for us. Well, except on the ride home when the windows went up. (Sorry little inside joke there)
The up-close picture: This was taken the night our Sophmore year when I made homecoming court. I love this picture because it makes me think of so many great nights sitting under the football stadium and watching the Bulldogs kick some butt. (That was when we were good) It was fun non the less. After the games we would go to someones house and just hangout. This time of the year makes me think of those great football games.
Just the 3 of us: Ashley is another person I hung out with the most,too. We use to call us three the Golden Girls. Ashley and I would fight so often, but we still love each other. I remember one night we were going to go to Amy's house and wait for the call from someone to do something. Well I was a prankster (Imagine that) and Ashley went to reach for the car door and I would move a little so she would miss. I did this for almost two blocks. I thought at the time it was funny, Ashley didn't. When I stopped Ashley forbid to ride in the car and threatened me that she was just going to walk home. Mind you this happened on a cold night. I slowly crept by her as she walked and was yelling that she should just get into the car. Finally, I got so mad at her that I threw my car in park and got out to drag her back to my car. BAD IDEA!! I went to reach for Ashley and she turned around and decked me in the face. I was so mad at her I got all ghetto in her face yelled at her and was just mean. I then went back to my car so mad and remember looking at Amy and she was of course laughing histarically. (See you have to know Amy when she laughs at her hardest she doesn't say anything and hits her leg over and over. It is very funny) Well by the time we got to Amys house we were going over to the "Garage Gang" and so Ashley came over and we hugged and made up. That's how our relationship was, I would like to say it is different than it was. I think Lori took over for you Ash. :) This picture was one of many pictures of a party I had at my parents house. They never knew...well they ended up finding out about one, but that didn't stop.
*FYI: I highly recommend that you don't have a party when your parents aren't home or a party at all.*
The next two pictures: These are pictures taken on some Summer night where we were going out to hang out with Crazy Ricky (I wonder whatever happened to him) or hanging out with Rich.
In the bottom right corner: That was a picture of one of the last day of classes our Senior or Junior year. Amy and I only got to be in one class together and that was Art class. We would talk the whole time, leave the classroom and go get slurpees from my mom in the lunchroom, make people feel so awkward or uncomfortable in class, by going up to them and saying weird things or just staring at them. It was always a riot in that class. I think that RHS teachers new that we couldn't be in the same class because we wouldn't get things done. I just want to thank Mrs Gladieux for being such a fun teacher and letting Amy, Kelly and I be completely ridiculious in your classroom.
The bottom Left corner: This picture is with the lead singer of our favorite band that we would go and see everytime they where in town. The one and only RED WANTING BLUE!!! Everytime I hear their song it takes me back to the days we went to the Main Event, Frankies or driving all the way down to BG to Howards or we would take a road trip to visit our dear friend Stefe. We were dedicated fans let me tell you. Amy had a crush on Mark the bass guitar player and he would sing this song called "Pea" OMG that song would just make Amy's night or we would count how many times one of the band members looked at us or in our direction. I had a crush on their old drummer Jonah and Kelly had a crush on the lead singer Scott. Eventually they got to know us because we were at every concert in the front row. Crazy we went to a lot of concerts and we were always in the front row. We were the people that would shove ourselves all the way up there or we would get there SUPER early. I loved going to the concerts (I still do) I know I will always remember those late nights going to concerts and the feeling you get right when you hear the first song. GOOOSSSSEEEBUMPS. I still get like that.
Amy has been there for me through some of the difficult times of my life. She always cheered me up after a bad break-up or a boy that was just being mean. We would rollerblade all over Rossford and go and get some Blue Moon ice cream (No it is not the beer). Then came the time when Amy met Christopher. First time I met the kid I told her that I didn't like him at all. I actually told her that she shouldn't date him because he had a messed up face. Honestly, he didn't. I don't know why I just didn't like him. See you have high expectations for your friends, especially your BEST ones!!! I can argue it but I was not a big fan of Chris, that is until I really got to know him. She ended up getting married to him and I couldn't be happier for her. He is an AMAZING husband to her. I honestly couldn't picture anyone else for her but him. They are a great couple.
Here is a picture of Conkey and I from back in the day. Here is a picture of the two of them.

I was also blessed to be in their wedding. It was a fun night of celebrating two people who are madly, and deeply in love with each other. Till this day you can see the twinkle in Conkey's eye whenever he looks at Amy.

They just welcomed there baby girl into the world back in March and I couldn't be happier for her. I know that someday God is going to bless me with a family but right now I am here to spoil that little girl with love, hugs and kisses. She is such a blessing.
The definition of a Best Friend is AMY!! Seriously she will always be my best friend. She knows all my deepest darkest secrets and she knows what makes me laugh. She knows whats important to me and my secret crushes. She is amazing and I am so blessed and glad to have her in my life. Thank you Amy for being the BEST and always there for me. I love ya and I just wanted to let you know how special you are to me and how thankful I am for you.
**I will be writing some Blogs on people who Inspire me in my life. Come back and check it out. Who knows you might just be one of those special people that I appreciate. Which you probablly are.
God Bless
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