I would like to introduce you all to my BESTEST from TEXAS
Charles Cody…but we call him Cody

Cody is by far my best guy friend. We have been friends since the 7th grade. We met in 6th grade, but I didn’t know much about it him. He was the guy that wore the Cowboys Starter jacket and arrived to camp half way through, because he went skiing with his family. (He is not one of those rich snobbish guys at all…FAR from it) We met in Jr. High because our lockers were right next to each other. We didn’t really talk much, only when we were at our lockers or if we had a class together. I would say that we started to hang out and become friends the start of our high school years. During our high school years I became Cody’s #1 fan, well besides his momma. One day I was shopping with a friend at Savers looking at old T-shirts and what do you know. I find a CODY shirt, but not just one but two. I knew that I had to purchase them. I washed them a few times because they smelled like death and I wore it to school. You see I was not ashamed to let people know that I was the crazy girl. (I don’t mean like stalkerish or anything just didn’t care what people thought) I remember walking into the school that day all excited to show him my new purchase. When he saw my shirt he seriously turned a few shades of red. It was classic. My shirt was the talk of the day (actually the rest of the year) I wore that shirt to a lot of his games junior and senior year. I had to show my support. He showed his just in yelling and cheering me on at my broomball games or giving me pointer at my tennis match. Cody and became best friends. If I had a problem with a boy or was just down, he would be right there to pick me up and tell me things were going to be ok. We would have dance parties, drive around listening to Regulators, play cards, color, and just relax. It’s funny because when I think about when we would hang out at Cody’s house I had my “office” and when we wanted to have serious conversations or just talk we would always go into my office. I sure do miss those days.

After we graduated spending time with Cody was coming to an end, not because we got into some huge fight, because he was going into his freshman year at THE Ohio State University. I was so excited for him because Cody was/is a HUGE Buckeye fan. I remember that summer I pretty much spent a lot of time with Cody and Stefe. We 3 did a lot of things together. We went to graduation parties together, had sleep overs, watch movies and just enjoy each other’s company. When our summer came to an end and Cody was leaving at 6 in the morning to move into his dorm at OSU, I remembered the night before just crying in my “office” and telling Cody that I was going to miss him and who was I going to talk to. I was a real mess that morning too. Stefe and I rode over there in the morning to say our good byes and I remember hugging Cody so tight, not wanting to let him go. He was my best friend and he was starting a new chapter in his life. I was really happy for him but I was also really selfish because I wanted him here.

Cody has been there for me. It helped me with a lot those next years when he was down in Columbus and I was up here. We talked all the time and on some weekends I would even make a weekend out of it visiting family and other friends. Nonetheless, Cody and I have remained Best friends all these years later. Two years ago I went to visit him in the great state of Texas. I loved it because I never been there before and I got to see and meet so many wonderful people, including his dad that I hadn’t seen in sometime.
Last night as I was talking to Cody I was reassured that I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful guy in my life. He is always there for me and gives me some of the best advice. He thinks that I don’t listen to it but I do. So I just wanted to thank you Cody for being such a blessing in my life. You have helped me with so much and talking to you last night was just a reassurance that you are AWESOME!! You are 1 in a million and I am glad that we have been such great friends all these years. I don’t think I can thank you enough for everything you have done.
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